Are you looking to schedule your Drug and Alcohol Assessment?

Stepping Stones in Lincoln, NE provides reliable drug and alcohol assessments. Call today. (402) 483-4571.

Drug and alcohol evaluations are available to adults Monday through Friday by appointment only. Pregnant or parenting women and/or IV drug users are given priority in scheduling. Stepping Stones in Lincoln, NE also offers drug and alcohol evaluations to individuals in jail if needed.

Seeking Help is the First Step to Your Success

Seeking the help of a drug and alcohol counselor is just as hard for patients as it was when they were first succumbing to the traps of drug and alcohol. The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services reports that the drug and alcohol abuse rates in Nebraska are below the national average. While that is good, you can’t ignore the fact that the struggle with substance abuse and addiction is still present in Nebraskans, especially in teens. A 2016 survey revealed that 1 in 5, or 20%, of high school students in Lincoln, reportedly consumed alcohol within the 30-day survey. Cases like this call for a reliable drug and alcohol assessment in Lincoln, NE.

How Does A Drug and Alcohol Assessment Help an Addict?

The initial step for effective treatment of a drug or alcohol problems starts with an assessment. This evaluation aims to determine whether a legitimate addiction is present, the extent of said addiction, and the existence of co-occurring conditions. When the measurements are finalized, the assessment also assists in the development of an appropriate treatment plan. Treating these patients requires restricted attention as no two situations are the same—the same with the medication that they would need.

Evaluations like this are a huge help for many users who are not aware of the situation they are in and would often deny it in confrontations. Undergoing drug and alcohol assessment would help these people to open their eyes to reality. However, there is one thing that this tool requires of the patient, and that is for them to be honest when sharing all the necessary information.

No addict or relative has to fret, though, as professionally trained counselors perform drug and alcohol abuse assessments in private settings. All the information that you provide is confidential and is only kept and used to assist in your treatment. What’s important is that every single step of this process is crucial in your recovery and can only better your condition.

What Are the Qualities of a Reliable Drug and Alcohol Assessment?

Everyone strongly with alcohol abuse deserves all the help that they can get. While there are a lot of programs and clinics that they can choose from, they still have to determine which one could help them accordingly. Here are the top qualities that you should consider when looking for a facility that could provide you with a reliable drug and alcohol assessment.


Certified Staff

It is not enough that the team you are entrusting your recovery with is skilled and experienced; they must be lawfully certified. Your life is the one on the line here, so it is right for you to be particular when choosing an organization that can assist in your treatment.


Modified Approaches and Plans

One-to-one; one treatment plan goes to one person. This is the standard for a quality facility. You need care that is made just for you because that is how you know that it will really work for you.



People with drug and alcohol addiction are often looked down upon by society in more ways than one. Being in a space where addicts are respected as people would also improve their well-being. This should be their safe place after all.

When you are in recovery, your life should improve thanks to the drug and alcohol counselor to whom you entrust your healing. Do the initial steps right, and everything else will follow. Have your drug and alcohol assessment at Stepping Stones in Lincoln, Nebraska to get the treatment you never knew you needed. Stepping Stones offers a reliable drug and alcohol assessment right in Lincoln, NE. Get all four of the above qualities in one place and one call.

Call (402) 483-4571 today!